book of flowers
ryan syrell book of flowers
ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on linen
oil on linen
20 x 16"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on canvas
Ninth Wave
oil on canvas
96 x 84"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on canvas
Monitor (Sunset)
oil on canvas
40 x 34"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on canvas
oil on canvas
62 x 52"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on linen
Moonlit Chair
oil on linen
40 x 36"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on linen over panel
Socks & Eyes & Mouths
oil on linen over panel
18 x 14"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on linen
oil on linen
20 x 16"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on canvas
Book of Flowers
oil on canvas
84 x 96"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on linen
oil on linen
18 x 14"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on canvas
Table with Gloves
oil on canvas
40 x 34"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on canvas
Flower Guide
oil on canvas
40 x 34"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers  oil on canvas
Cleo's Tarot
oil on canvas
40 x 34"
ryan syrell book of flowers

ryan syrell book of flowers

Book of Flowers
Springsteen Gallery
June 8 - July 27

Night equalizes, it de-centers, and affirms that we are unstable and floating; unmoored from  constructed time. It encourages wild oscillations between anxiety and ecstasy. A sense of porosity is amplified as sensation, perception, and memory wash together in nocturnal space.

The paintings in Book of Flowers are a suite of nocturnes; they begin at the moment of sunset and progress into night. This exhibition continues Syrell’s investigations into the affect of color and collapse of space as memory. Employing strategies of overwhelming scale and saturated palettes, each paintings’ intensity and restlessness become their own act within a play, scene within a film, or song on a record.

Night becomes the central subject of the work, directing the psyche of its inhabitants and its observers. Depicted are lived-in rooms, interiors full of material life both ephemeral and urgent. Screens access virtual spaces and windows offer portals to elsewhere while reflecting immediate surroundings. Cut flowers and vestiges of limbs haunt, while each element doubles as a barrier and an opening. 

All photos by Vivian Doering